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On Rue Tatin

21 Oct

I have been getting so many questions about the cooking class I took in Normandy, and haven’t had sufficient time to answer all the inquiries.  Suffice to say, it was one of the loveliest experiences I have ever had in France.  I have tried to paint a verbal picture for many of of you, but it words just don’t adequately convey the warmth of the fireplace nestled into the kitchen or the most perfectly round artichokes, pink like peonies at their core.  Pictures help, at least a little bit.

To me, food is art… only, it’s better than art because the most beautiful creations are edible.  I can’t help but admire the sleek curve of an endive as it settles into the pan, or the soft bloom of rind encasing a piquant cheese.  Many times I thought a dish we made too perfect-looking to eat, but eat it we did.  And it was sublime, each and every bite of it.